[claim align=”left”]BIO
[claim align=”left”]BIO
Fausto began his career as a photographer at the end of 2003 and since then has practiced it more or less frequently. He dedicated himself to the film industry as well as the advertising and fashion industry during the years 2008 to 2015. Arriving to work in large-scale films as well as in fashion projects such as the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week carried out in Mexico City for several editions collaborating at the levels of visual proposal and visual development of catwalks, interviews, television spots and social networks, among others. Among its clients are different brands of world scale.
His work has been published in various magazines such as Vogue.
In 2015 he founded Punto DF and decided to focus on creating an artistic residence with a social vision.
He has collaborated in the creation of the Peace Camp project led by Fernando Lara of the Theater company and Clown La Bufón S.O.S., which is based on the methodology of the Children’s Peace Theater institution located in Canada. Focused on transforming conflict in a peaceful, compassionate way, and through laughter. Carrying out pre-production, production and workshops in multiple editions of the camp in different territories of Mexico. As a result of these encounters, he learns a little about the wonderful world of the Clown.
As director of Punto DF, he has been able to produce concerts, mural projects, street theater interventions, varietés, clown workshops, engraving, among others. On the way to the construction of the artistic residence he has been able to learn the crafts with wood, metal work and electronics. As well as ventured into the world of recycling and 3D printing.
He currently resides in the city of Berlin where he has collaborated giving a couple of workshops for “die Gelbe Villa” school of arts and at the same time continues to develop projects through Punto DF as well as collaborating in various cultural and artistic projects.
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